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Become a Tutor

The Writing Center hires new tutors every spring!  

The director accepts applications from April 1st – 30th.  Interviews for eligible applicants take place during the first two weeks of May.

How to Apply

If you are interested in being an undergraduate tutor, please send the following materials directly to Anne McMurtrey at

  • Current CV
  • Academic writing sample
  • (Brief) letter of recommendation from a faculty member who is familiar with your writing skills
    • Note: "Old" letters of recommendation are permissible; do not ask faculty for a new letter if you have one on hand.
  • Unofficial Transcript

Addtional Requirements:

Undergraduate tutors must have completed Writing 2010 and have a GPA of 3.0. New tutors are required to take WRTG 4020 (3 credits) during their first semester of tutoring. 

  • WRTG 4020 covers the theory and praxis of writing center pedagogy in evaluating a student text, including how to collaborate with a student to further their development as a writer. Weekly out-of-class projects allow students to practice classroom pedagogy in the real-world context of the writing center.

Purpose of the Writing Center:

Writing centers are an important component in the development of student writers at all levels of expertise. They help students to understand themselves as authors, translate professor comments and assignment criteria, and develop a writing process that fits their needs. The work of a writing center is essential to understand how undergraduate students write and think, as well as how tutors and professors can best respond to student writing. 

Submit Application


Last Updated: 5/28/24