Undergraduate Services
Why Visit the Undergraduate Writing Center?
Paper Development:
- Understand your assignment
- Develop ideas
- Organize thoughts
- Form an argument
- Consider the audience
- Improve the clarity of the writing
- Create and improve paragraphs
- Improve continuity and flow
- Polish sentence to improve style
- Document sources correctly
- Avoid plagiarism
- Learn about common grammar errors
Appointment Options
All three options are free to students pursuing undergraduate degrees at the University of Utah!
Live, Online Tutoring
To speak with one of our tutors over Zoom, please make an appointment. Our tutors will not be able to write on your draft, but they will be able to read it and give you valuable feedback, including revision and proofreading suggestions.
In-Person Tutoring
To speak with one of our tutors in person, choose a tutor with the words "In-person" next to their name. Arrive to your appointment in MLIB 2701 (UWC) or MLIB 1180B (GWC) with your own electronic or printed draft.
Asynchronous Tutoring
We also have tutors trained to provide you with written feedback within about 48 hours. Your tutor will read your draft, write you a letter containing your draft's strengths and weaknesses, and provide limited embedded comments and questions.
Click here to make an appointment
Live, Online Tutoring
- Please make an appointment at https://utah.mywconline.com/ .
- Upload your paper to the intake form.
- Click on "Start or Join Conversation" to start your Zoom meeting at your scheduled time.
Our tutors will not be able to write on your draft, but they will be able to read it and give you valuable feedback, including revision and proofreading suggestions.
Please note that students can no longer attend their tutorials on their phones. They must have a tablet or laptop if they want an online appointment. If they do not have the proper equipment, they can check out laptops for the semester in the Marriott Library.
In-Person Tutorials
- To speak with one of our tutors in person, please make an appointment at https://utah.mywconline.com/
- Choose a tutor with the words "In-person" next to their name.
- Upload your paper to the intake form.
- Arrive to your appointment in MLIB 2701 (UWC) or 1180B (GWC) with your own electronic or printed draft.
Your tutor will access your writing from the intake form and view it on their laptop or tablet. Or, you can bring two copies of your paper to the appointment.
Asynchronous Tutoring
We also have tutors trained to provide you with written feedback comments on your paper within about 48 hours.
- Click on the following link: https://writingcenter.utah.edu/undergraduate-services/e-tutoring.phpand click on the first word, "eTutoring."
- After you log in with your uID and password, you will be able to submit your draft, as well as your assignment sheet.
Your tutor will read your draft, write you a letter containing your draft's strengths and weaknesses, and provide limited embedded comments and questions.
What Students Are Saying?
I needed to come here sooner!
This teaches me how to be a more effective writer. I really appreciate the feedback.
Wonderful experience. Good information. Very helpful. Will definitely come back.
I passed with distinction!
You were very friendly and approachable and put me at ease.
Thank you for you excellent help and suggestions and for your warm encouragement.